SHOCKING SILVER NUMBERS!! 2023 Solar Installs Hit 413GW = 289Moz of Physical Silver GONE! (Bix Weir)

7 months ago

When I say the "Silver Market is Broken" I mean EVERY thing you hear about silver from the mainstream is a LIE! From the way it is traded on the COMEX, the reported inventories, the mining & recycling supply, to ALL Industrial numbers and EVERY MAINSTREAM SILVER ANALYST...ALL LIES! Luckily, the Solar industry has many very good (and truthful) analysts who have just announced a MASSIVE increase in 2023 solar installations of 65% in a single year! THAT'S A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF SILVER AT THE WORST TIME FOR THE SILVER RIGGERS! BUT even bigger than that is understanding that the way the Silver Researchers have been analyzing the amount of silver used in each panel has been WRONG by over 50%!! The true use of silver in Solar Panels for 2023 is OVER 289M ounces! BUY PHYSICAL WHILE YOU CAN!!

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