
1 year ago


Baby kangaroos are born the size of a jellybean. We call them joeys. They are typically born after a very short gestation period—around 31 to 36 days and are then roughly 2.5 cm (1 inch) long and weighing only around 0.75-1 gram.

After birth, the tiny joey crawls its way up into its mother's pouch, using its strong forelimbs to navigate. Inside the pouch, the joey attaches itself to one of the mother's teats, where it continues to develop and grow. In the pouch, the baby kangaroo is nurtured, protected, and fed by its mother's milk for several months.

During this time, the joey continues to grow and develop until it reaches a point where it starts to peek out of the pouch and eventually begins to explore the world outside. The joey will intermittently venture out of the pouch, gradually spending more time hopping around and getting accustomed to life outside its mother's protective pouch.

The pouch provides a safe and nurturing environment for the joey, allowing it to develop and grow until it becomes more independent and ready to face the world on its own. This unique and fascinating reproductive strategy is characteristic of marsupials like kangaroos, distinguishing them from most other mammals.

Beautiful video reminding me that all the mother's and their love is incredible and irreplaceable whether as humans or animals ❤️


#environment #sustainability #wildlife #animals


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