Ayurveda: Ancient Wisdom Unveiled

9 months ago

Welcome to an enlightening episode of "The Wellness Way with Philly J Lay." This week, we have two incredible guests, Jo Webber and Kate Siraj, both fully qualified Ayurvedic Practitioners, each bringing their unique expertise to the conversation.

Guest Introductions:

Jo Webber: A BSc Ayurveda, MAPA, and hatha yoga teacher. Head of Herbal Education at Pukka Herbs, founder of AyurvedicYogi in Bristol, and a mother of three, Jo weaves Ayurveda and Yoga to empower people about their health.

Kate Siraj: Also a BSc Ayurveda, MAPA, and founder of The Ayurveda Practice in South West London. A Shadow Work Group Facilitator and Coach, Kate is passionate about exploring the connection between emotional and physical health.

Discussion Highlights:

The Ayurveda Academy: Jo and Kate share insights into their work at The Ayurveda Academy, offering courses to train individuals in Ayurveda, providing a holistic approach to well-being.

Understanding Doshas: The conversation delves into the different doshas, exploring their characteristics and how they influence our well-being.

Practical Tips and Hacks: Jo and Kate provide practical tips and hacks for healthier living, from ginger foot baths to understanding the dynamics of relationships and even sex in winter.

Contrasts and Backgrounds: The guests share their diverse backgrounds, including academic achievements and professional experiences, adding richness and contrast to their Ayurvedic practices.

Contact Information:

For those interested in learning more or getting in touch, visit The Ayurveda Academy website - https://www.theayurvedaacademy.com

Key Takeaways:

Join us for an insightful conversation on Ayurveda, doshas, and practical tips for a healthier life with Jo Webber and Kate Siraj. Discover the holistic approach to well-being and gain valuable insights to apply in your daily life.

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