Tindall Airforce Base in Panama Beach, Florida "Air Superiority" We boast in the Lord.

6 months ago

The first of what would become 55 F-22A Raptor Fighter Jets are based at the Tyndall Airforce Base in Florida. The first operational F-22A Raptor flew over Tyndall AFB on its delivery flight during 2003.
The important base was severely damaged by the October 10th, 2018 Catagory 5 Hurricane in the Florida panhandle. As Christians we understand that although we are very powerful with weapons of mass destruction and for our defense, we trust in God. Many of trhe Florida plates have the phrase "In God We Trust" and we know Psalm 20:7 "Some boast in chariots and some in horses,
But we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God."
November 27th, 2023 Callaway, Florida mefoundation.world Our children and teachers and preachers ALL BOAST IN THE LORD, not ourselves.

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