10 months ago

GASWORKS 2nd episodes initiates the actuality of the weaponization of "HEALTH" in THESE UNITED STATES of AMERICA & the world. It is far worse than many understand or imagine. I have experienced it first hand. Though generally perspective is limited from ones point of view, inherently. Also the nature of these distruption campaigns is of deception and are psychological war tactics. So my conclusions will naturally be askewed though I reference all I speak upon regarding my own experience with the references of scientific actuality of the actual technologies from the sources of the foundational scientists in these fields [ primarily Dr James Giordano WEST POINT lecture THE BRAIN THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE FUTURE and inventor Dr Robert Duncan'S Full MIT Presentation on Neuroweapons used on American Civilians as well as NASA engineer & Whistle Blower Richard Lighthouse and the team at TARGETED JUSTICE - Targeted Justice files $1.3 Billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, & DHS: 4:23-cv-01013 (January 2023) ... PLEASE JOIN THE CONVERSATION AND HELP ME PUT THIS INTO A PERSPECTIVE THAT WE CAN ALL USE AS A COMON SENSE VANTAGE POINT OF ACTION...
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