Episode 71: Boldness in the Storm - Healing from Vaccine Injury & Long COVID

1 year ago

You will not fear…the pestilence that stalks in the darkness – Psalm 91:6

In the Old Testament, “pestilence” referred to a natural epidemic or plague. In today’s era of biological and germ warfare fought with viruses engineered by man, that term has become a bit more complex. But, the Lord recently reminded me that He remains the same God today as He was then, and His words from Psalm 91, promising deliverance “from the deadly pestilence,” still endure. As Hebrews 13:8 tells us, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

In this episode, you’ll hear personal stories of how God is bringing hope and healing to people who have been affected by long-term COVID or the COVID-19 vaccine. I’ll build upon last week’s rebroadcasted episode that laid the groundwork for the COVID-19 crisis and share some valuable resources that offer hope and healing. I pray that you’ll be encouraged by today’s teaching as you “arise and shine,” finding boldness in the midst of the storm!

Full snow notes with clips, links, and more resources available here: https://thehealingoil.com/ep-71-boldness-in-the-storm/

In this episode, you'll hear personal stories of how God is bringing hope and healing to people who have been affected by long-term COVID or the COVID-19 vaccine. I'll build on last week's rebroadcasted episode that laid the groundwork for the COVID-19 crisis and share some valuable resources that offer hope and healing. I pray that you'll be encouraged by today's teaching as you "arise and shine," finding boldness in the midst of the storm!

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