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Warning ⚠️ THINGS ABOUT TO GET MUCH WORSE ! ~ (SHTF Prepping News)

1 year ago

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  • 0/2000
  • I don’t see any links 👀… would love to win that emergency backup generator …always good information thank you ❤️ I’m 73 n my sister is 72 .. and she’s living off grid but having to live in her van right now in a neighbors yard …because she couldn’t finish insulating n getting heat and I would gift it to her when I win it ❤️ Hearthugs

  • backup generator- honestly... I would keep it, but if things got bad, my family would all have a place to come and be safe.

  • I've heard Dr Malone talking about this virus. Says it's parasitic, so Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are good to have around. Take it as preventative, once every 5 days, if wish. Can purchase cans of oxygen at health food stores. Nebulizing with silver helps if get sick.Silver is a natural antibiotic. Can just do as preventative once per day, 5 minutes. If get sick, do it once per hour, 5 minutes.

  • Well Hell man, with the CDC handling ALL the Viruses known to Man? Something's gotta give, and it's gonna be in a, 'Very Bad Way,' too.

    1 like
  • I got the vid around 5 times. no phuenomiay

    1 like
  • bullshit....bullshit....bullshit

    1 like
  • Would love to win that Gen. 😍

    1 like
  • I guess all viruses live in China . hmm. catching on yet?

    1 like
  • Walmart receipt check- Don't participate in their "game." What do I mean? The last TIME- they attempted to try that with me I GAVE the receipt to the employee. Then I found a chair and ignored the employee - I didn't bag my groceries etc so, how was to answer any questions. The employee got angry/upset- sorry, but I was having none of the "game." They quit checking Me anyway, and now have installed metal detectors.

    1 like
  • Fear propaganda like last time, You're calling out known sicknesses that they politicized by Calling it Covid 19, once again known sicknesses, ammonia the flu ,common cold are being Weaponized to raise panic, so7nds to me you'll be one of the first sheeple to obey lock downs, masking and jab mandates 🙄