Who Does the Most in A Relationship ??? | The Bigger Play Ep. 2

1 year ago

The Bigger Play drops the next episode where the Special guest host Yami Mammi aka St Louis Socialite joins the discussion and brings an amazing perspective as we talk about everything from relationships and respect to fashion and discernment. The Socialite and The Bigger Play Podcast discussed who does the most in a relationship when it comes to keeping the house together and everything that goes along with that. The topic of what a man needs to make on his job was an intricate part of the conversation also. When two people come together and congregate respectfully and modestly there is so much value that they can learn from each other. Over here at The Bigger Play we are working towards greatness. To everyone that has supported the platform we want to send a huge thank you to every one of you and to whomever decides to join the family we want to thank you in advance for being here, stay tuned!

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