BPD Idealization & Codependency

10 months ago

BPD Idealization & Codependency

Borderlines don’t make you feel good about yourself in their idealization. That’s your reaction but they can’t”make you feel it”. Then when the split to major devaluation comes wherein you may be ghosted suddenly you are shocked. You wonder why they aren’t “seeing you” the way they (apparently) did in idealization.

They really weren’t idealizing you for who you really are. This is where your unconscious woundedness from your childhood is starting to be re-experienced. It’s not all about the Borderline.

To break the cycle of being a codependent dependent upon caretaking a person with BOD to derive self-worth and self-esteem externally is a key reason to get into a healing and recovery process to process this and why you don’t have a consistent sense of self to internally know and regulate.


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