Father Yah anointed Moses, His Son, Muhammad of His Spirit/provided them with information.

10 months ago

One may pray "Father, I ask you show me what to read and what not to read" while researching His restored Truths.
-Restored Truths of the Most High (scroll down, some, for the article content)
WHY believe:

HOW Earth became a 7000-year experiment (of humans' freedom of choice)

HOW to become Anointed of Yah (reborn) [and to wipe the slate CLEAN]

The Almighty Creator's Turnaround Spokesmen and Emissaries {Prophets and Apostles} that were set out to restore His Truths:

Valid prayers that enable the Almighty to communicate with a human:
- www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/important-prayers
- www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/most-important-prayers

Covenant of Yahooshua {Jesus} (using the Bread and the Wine) to personally confess sin to Father Yah:

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