BPD Relationship Trajectory is Impossibility

1 year ago

BPD Relationship Trajectory is Impossibility
Codependents need to realize you cannot escape the truth of the unhealthy rollercoaster of the BPD relationship and keep denying that this isn't going to work. There is no healthy trajectory for Borderline/Codependent relationships. They hurt you they are not love or healthy attachment. Stop trying to change and care-take a borderline and face your own Codependency and get help for that. Then you can find your healing and recovery journey out of the betrayal bond.

From A.J. Mahari's 2,000+ Video Archive.

#BPDrelationshiptrajectory #ajmahari #Codependents #CodependentDenial #BPDrealationalimpossibility #NochangingaBPD

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