Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames

8 months ago

Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames. What’s happening in Ireland will happen here, at scale. Steve Bannon explains

Look, every patriot of the world;

We are in WW3 right NOW, and have been for a while.
It is the people of the world, "all of us" who are fighting for our lives against each one of our own governments.
Those Governments that have been usurped by oligarchs and paid and used against us. Politicians that have bent to the love of money, who have stolen from our grand children and their grand children.
All these politicians are paid to carry their elitist agenda to fruition, to end our personal freedom, and our natural rights, and then give it up to a few, to the elite, the NWO demons.
Our God given Rights, wielded and used against us how they see fit.

Ireland is just the beginning of what needs to be...

People, WW3 is now...

It might be time to do something about it?

If not now... when?
-- joegecko

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