Mark Alexander Milley Confesses To Committing Treason On National Television - Is this why he resigned from the military?

9 months ago

How idiotic does one have to become to go on television and confess to treason in front of millions of United States citizens that he supposedly swore to protect? Mark Alexander Milley has to be the stupidest officer in the U.S. military. My prediction is that he will either be hung, or face a firing squad within the next few months, or be executed by a United States Citizen in the event justice is avoided by the U.S. D.C. Corporation. There is a reconciliation about to occur in the U.S.A., and those in congress on the wrong side of We The People are going to face justice in a tribunal court system.

BEWARE! You don't poison 6 billion people and get away with it, even if you are Zionist.

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