December 6, 2022 Special Meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC)

9 months ago

In yet another attempt at reconciliation, the County Executive Committee (CEC) called a Special Meeting on December 6, 2022, to discuss and settle all disputed issues. It was the first properly called meeting attended by Chairman Bryan Christ since July. Chairman Christ's attendance at the meeting looked like a step in the right direction.

After calling the December 6 meeting to order, Chairman Christ announced that Precinct 10 Chair Mark Frank was the Party Secretary. A point of order was made and a vote was held affirming CEC-elected Secretary, Staci Earnest, as the official Party Secretary. However, as Secretary Earnest began calling the official roll to establish a quorum, Precinct 10 Chair Frank continued to be disruptive and refused to leave the dais.

The Chairman then attempted to put the meeting at ease but was met with objections from more than five CEC members. As such, the meeting could not be put at ease. When the Chairman then repeatedly refused to move the meeting forward, the CEC voted to remove him as chair of the December 6 meeting, citing Robert's Rules of Order (RONR 62:10).

Ultimately, all of the Party’s disputed matters which were listed on the agenda were debated, voted on, and then resolved in accordance with state law, local and state party rules, as well as Robert’s Rules of Order. And because of Chairman Christ’s abandonment of the Chair, the meeting also resulted in a Resolution to Censure Chairman Christ for failing to fulfill his duties as County Chairman and refusal to fulfill his statutory duties to report all duly elected Precinct Chairs to the Secretary of State.

Because he did not like the results of the meeting, Chairman Christ just pretends like the December 6 Meeting never happened.

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