Residents of Baltiysk (Kaliningrad Oblast)

7 months ago

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🇷🇺🦢 Residents of Baltiysk (Kaliningrad Oblast) filmed swans marching in formation through the streets of the town.

Ornithologists say that this is a common phenomenon - the birds are probably on their way to feed. And just this is not quite right - to feed the swans experts do not advise, because the consequences can be deplorable.

"Now the birds start to feed, they get used to this place, and then the cold snaps in - everything will freeze, people will hide in their homes, conditions will worsen, and food will disappear. And the birds will start dying," ornithologist Gennady Grishanov told RIA Novosti.

According to him, there is no need to help the birds now - they will solve the issue of their food themselves, and if it gets very cold - they will fly to the German or Polish coast.


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