Windsor Jobs - Stellantis Plant - Chris Lewis

1 year ago

We recently learned that up to 1600 Korean workers are expected to be brought in to work at the heavily subsidized Stellantis Battery Plant in City of Windsor.
On Tuesday Liberal Minister Randy Boissonnault said there was only one foreign worker and Minister Champagne said it would be “a fairly small number.” Now the company hiring the foreign workers says there will be at least 900. The Trudeau Liberals are either misleading Canadians or they are incompetent and confused.
Watch below for the statement I made this morning at Government Operations and Estimates committee this meeting. We need to know the numbers, we need to defend Canadian workers and Canadian tax payers.
Chris Lewis MP
#cdnpoli #chrislewis #jobs #Canada #PierrePoilievre #Essex #Windsor #YQG

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