DIVIDE et IMPERA (Is the Name of Their Game)

10 months ago

"This is the game that's being played on you. There's a handful of billionaires that run the entire globe. And they want endless war." - Jimmy Dore

"What it's about, what it's always about is...frightened, greedy, power-crazed bullies... abusing the law of the land...to make themselves safe from challenge." - Neil Oliver

"It comes down to a...lily-white WEST...the collective west, personified by NATO, against the rest of the world for God's sake." - Ray Mc Govern

"To create instability in the world. To divide cultures, peoples, world religions. To provoke a conflict of civilizations. According to the principle of Divide & Conquer." - Vladimir Putin

"Divide et Impera. Divide & Conquer. This has been a strategy of empires throughout the ages." - Prof Jeffrey Sachs

"Divide, so we can Rule." - George Galloway

"THAT's what's happening. And you STILL don't understand the game that's being played on you?" - Jimmy Dore

#israel #palestine #gaza #russia #ukraine #nato #wot #ww3

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