The Role of Propaganda in Pandemic Control

7 months ago

Dr Piers Robinson is a geopolitical scientist who has held professorships at the University of Liverpool, University of Manchester and University of Sheffield in the UK. He writes about propaganda, media, international politics and conflict, and works with the international group

Propaganda has no role in outbreak control. It was used under the euphemistic guise of "health promotion" during Covid-19 to create (false) beliefs about outbreak control in order to guarantee compliance with political and economic changes which would normally have been strongly rejected by the majority of people.

Dr Robinson shows the strategies that were used during Covid-19 and the ways in which these silenced dissent. A basic tenet of free speech is the fallibility of opinion, and the need for debate and discussion to reach a truth. Those promoting ideas of "disinformation", "misinformation" and "hate speech" (speech which they hate to hear) have an erroneous belief in their own infallibility such that they assume all other perspectives and nuances must be controlled and silenced.

During Covid-19, this was abused by those in power, resulting in threats of job loss, income loss and reputation smear of many millions. For most such threats were intolerable, leading to self-censorship and compliance through coercion.

At the International Crisis Summit in Bucharest, Romania in November 2023 Dr Robinson gave this presentation on the use of propaganda during the Covid pandemic, how it was implemented, and some of the main actors and power networks involved.


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