Programming the Human Brain

6 months ago

Programming the Human Brain
Throughout their black history, intelligence agencies like the CIA and the Isr*eli intelligence have adopted many top-secret projects that basically aimed to develop techniques and technologies for mind control, brainwashing, mind programming, creating a "manchurian candidate" and the list goes on.
You probably have heard a little bit about some of these projects that were disclosed. However, with all the horror that you've heard, none of those projects did pose a real threat to our existence itself as mankind.
Well, that has dramatically changed in the past few decades, And if you really care to understand more about the real danger that is right on your doorstep at the moment, this video is for you! For more reliable information about the dangers and the effects of today's advanced top-secret Satellite based Neuroweapons,
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Source: "DROPBEAR64"
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