If A Stove Can Run On Water, Why Can’t Your Car?

6 months ago

What is a Water Stove, Exactly?
For those who are unfamiliar with them, water stoves are basically outdoor heating systems functioning as wood burning stoves, sometimes called an outdoor wood boilers or outdoor wood furnace. They are typically installed in a small, freestanding building that’s like a shed.

Like I mentioned above, that means you’ll have to trek outside in order to feed more firewood into the thing, but otherwise you can use them for heating your home, your domestic hot water supply, outdoor water supply, hot tubs, and even pools.

But the way that I water stove actually works is it basically contains a large water reservoir holding many gallons of water, called a water jacket a firebox that is much like your wood burning stove inside and a smokestack or flue pipe for exhaust gasses.

When you build and stoke the fire, it heats up the air in the firebox and then it routes that through tubes and pipes in the water jacket, heating up the water which is then pumped, beneath the ground, through your house in pipes of its own. This can heat up your house very much like a traditional radiator of old.

This might sound a little low tech, and technically it is, but modern water stoves are still manufactured and sold, and many of them come with high-tech equipment like electric thermostats to control water temperature, controllers to open or close the flue on the stove and other features.

In short, in a typical installation they combine the benefits of a wood stove or fireplace with a hot water heater and they do it all in a remote, exterior installation that will dramatically cut down on odor, dust and dirt that you’ll typically see accumulating from burning a fire indoors.

They tend to be especially popular in remote and rural areas.


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