The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 310 - More Chaos!

7 months ago

In this video i want to add to the messages of “SOCIAL DETERIORATION” in my Video No.275 titled, “Slo-Mo Squeeze,” Video No.278 titled, “KAOS,” Video No.284 titled, “False Alarm?” and Video No.307 titled, “War Report.” If you haven’t listened to these videos then i urge you to do so. It is amazing the information that continually comes to light with persistent surveillance and digging. From this information we are able to construct a clearer image of what the Beast United Nations World Government has been up to, is doing and the plans it has for our enslavement and ultimate destruction. No living soul is exempt from this evil program. The 4th World War and Medical Inquisition that commenced on November 17, 2019 has not ceased. We have all been living in a Different Reality since that time. Can YOU SEE IT? REALITY has been INVERTED! The Fake Virus and Vaccine psy-op continues unabated and the operation has gone from “STICK” to “CARROT” mode. They started off with threats and extreme coercion to get people Injected using the pretext of a Medical Emergency. They did this with the aim of NORMALIZING in people’s minds the False concept of UPDATING IMMUNITY every 6 months with Booster shots. We are now in a CARROT mode where they have convinced people that getting Injected is not only a social OBLIGATION but a PRIVILEGE. Will they return to using the STICK of threat and pressure to MAINTAIN the MOMENTUM of the INJECTION program and enforce COMPLIANCE from the remaining UNVAXXED? Personally, i believe they will at some point by INAUGURATING a NEW FAKE Pandemic. They’re already talking about it in the MSM but only Time will tell.

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How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Twelve Pages - 322 Videos

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