We Can Cope With Difficult Last Days

6 months ago

Topics discussed

Difficulties, corrupt medical system, scripture, last days (00:00:04 - 00:19:05)
The importance of scripture and following God's commands is discussed, along with the consequences of corrupt systems and challenging times. Evil infiltration in government and media is mentioned, and the need for Christians to make disciples and transform culture. Neglecting God's instructions and separating church and state are cautioned against due to negative repercussions.

Abusive, overt, disobedience, parents (00:19:05 - 00:19:50)
In this conversation, the participants discuss who among them was the most abusive. They conclude that King was the most abusive, although Balaam was also abusive but in a less obvious way. They also talk about disobedience towards parents and mention that Cain disobeyed his parents. The conversation ends with a discussion about fighting and misbehaving.

General (00:19:50 - 00:20:59)
The transcript discusses the ungratefulness and lack of holiness in Cain, Balaam, and Cora. Cain was ungrateful for God's preference for Abel's offering. The ungratefulness of Balaam is uncertain, while Cora's ungratefulness is also mentioned. All three individuals were considered unholy. The conversation also touches on their heartlessness. Cain's act of killing his brother was heartless, and although Balaam and Cora were also deemed heartless, their actions were not as explicit. Cora does not receive a pass.

Discussing various individuals and their behaviors. They talk about how some people are uneasy and unable to reconcile their feelings. They mention a person named King and wonder if they were the one causing tension. They also mention other individuals like Bala, Cora, and God. It is mentioned that God tries to appeal to all three of these guys and advises Balin not to do certain things, but Balin goes against the advice.
The speaker talks about slander and how Satan is a slanderer, always trying to focus on what people did wrong instead of what Jesus Christ did. The speaker mentions that Cora also engages in slander and questions why they are doing so. They talk about jobs assigned to different tribes and the need to keep going. The speaker mentions self-control and brutal behavior. They discuss Kane's behavior and question if he was brutal. They also discuss love and treacherousness, and mention that all three individuals were reckless.

Government, media, conspiracy, deceiving (00:23:36 - 00:29:12)
Various individuals are discussed who appeared godly but lacked power, denied God's power, and betrayed their own people. The transcript also mentions evil people using government and media to deceive others. The consequences of mocking God and rejecting Him are severe. The transcript emphasizes the need to warn people of God's coming and not to think of oneself as holier than God. It also condemns those who participate in conspiracies.

Webster's 1828, American English language, lead, ministry (00:29:14 - 00:49:48)
The speaker discusses the concept of a confederacy and its different meanings. They emphasize the importance of following the Ten Commandments and understanding God's authority. The speaker explains that there will come a time when certain individuals will have their lives drastically changed, just like Paul, or be given opportunities, just like the nets being filled. They emphasize that God loves everyone and wants them to become disciples. The speaker mentions that the Bible states the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and that believers will serve as witnesses to the end. They highlight the importance of being prepared and not allowing fear to hinder service in Christ. They encourage the congregation to pray for reawakening and to fulfill their roles in various aspects of life.

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