Mr. Guo's lawyers have provided a comprehensive explanation regarding the NFSC’s base in Mahwah

7 months ago

11/25/2023【Miles Insight】Nicole: Mr. Guo's lawyers have provided a comprehensive explanation in the new legal document regarding the NFSC’s base in Mahwah; Changdao Brother: Our Mahwah base is meant to serve our fellow fighters as a secure and secret place to share information.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
11/25/2023 【Nicole看七哥】妮可:郭先生的律师在新的法律文件里对基地的建立和使用做出了很好的解释;长岛哥:新中国联邦在马瓦的基地旨在给战友们提供一个安全和隐秘的交流信息的场所。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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