Just imagine your classmates, there are only 2 people left in the class

7 months ago

Video: Just imagine your classmates, there are only 2 people left in the class, would you believe it? The average age of sacrifice is 23 years old. They are the first batch of China's air force. They are all from the second generation of famous & elite Chinese families, but they decided to contribute their lives to defend China against foreign aggressions. We should remember those who have sacrificed their lives for China. We, the ancestors who have fought bloody battles to live a peaceful life today, are the heroes who defend the sky and the backbone of the Chinese nation.
屈穎妍視頻: 試想你的同班同學, 全班死剩2人,你會相信嗎? 平均犧牲年齡23歲,他們是中國第一批空軍 他們都是出於名門二代 但他們決定為中國出力 我們應當銘記那些為我們帶來今天的寧靜生活而浴血奮戰過的先輩們,他們,是捍衛長空的壯士,更是中華民族的脊樑.

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