Minesweeper from Windows Entertainment Pack 1

7 months ago

This was released 1990 and originally made for Windows 3.x.

It was a very fun and popular game. It is a thinking game that combines luck and strategy.

The following explains how to play and is copied from Help - How to Play - Overview:

Minesweeper is a challenging game of strategy and luck. You are presented with a mine field, and your objective is to locate all the mines as quickly as possible. To accomplish this task, you have two tools: one is a mine detector, the other is your foot.

In order to locate the mines using these limited tools, use the following approach:
1 Step on a square with your foot.
2 If the square is a mine, you're dead.
3 If the square isn't a mine, your mine detector informs you of the number of mines in the surrounding eight squares.
Continue to step on squares until you either uncover all the squares without mines and win or step on a mine and die.

You can use the counters at the top of the playing area to keep track of your progress.

The counter in the upper-left corner of the playing area initially indicates the number of mines hidden in the mine field. Every time you mark a square, this number decreases by one.

The counter in the upper-right corner of the playing area is a timer, which displays your playing time in seconds. The faster you find all the mines, the better your score.

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