7 months ago

Healthy vaccinated children dying in their sleep - without cause, children are dying of heart attacks, children are dying of turbo cancer's. This isn't happening in the hundreds or even the thousands, it's happening by the hundreds of thousands when taken together. In all likelihood the numbers are much greater, because the government has been hiding the known medical information, while at the same time, not doing proper vaccine follow up procedure. This is murder plain and simple, how call I call it murder... well, our government has not stopped these 'so called' vaccines, in fact they are still telling us that these mRNA's are safe and effective and enticing/telling us to vaccinate or boost our children. You've noticed that I haven't yet mentioned anything about us adults.. If I did, we would be talking death rates in the millions TENS of millions. What kind of monsters would intentionally do something like this?? Is it because we allowed them to get away with vaccine injury/side effects for so long, that they figured they could do anything they wanted? Or maybe they just believe that we just don't care if they murder our children, murder us?? It's more likely that they just think that we can't do anything about it ! Regardless, its time to put these murdering sons/daughter of bitches behind prison walls - where they won't be able to do this any longer.

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