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1 year ago

2.13 Isolation and quarantine procedures.
(a) Duty to issue isolation and quarantine orders.
(1) Whenever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, the State Commissioner of Health may issue and/or may direct the local health authority to issue isolation and/or quarantine orders, consistent with due process of law, to all such persons as the State Commissioner of Health shall determine appropriate.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not be construed as relieving the authority and duty of local health authorities to issue isolation and quarantine orders to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, consistent with due process of law, in the absence of such direction from the State Commissioner of Health.
(3) For the purposes of isolation orders, isolation locations may include home isolation or such other residential or temporary housing location that the public health authority issuing the order determines appropriate, where symptoms or conditions indicate that medical care in a general hospital is not expected to be required, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue. Where symptoms or conditions indicate that medical care in a general hospital is expected to be required, the isolation location shall be a general hospital.
(4) For the purposes of quarantine orders, quarantine locations may include home quarantine, other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue.
(b) Any isolation or quarantine order shall specify:
(1) the basis for the order;
(2) the location where the person shall remain in isolation or quarantine, unless travel is authorized by the State or local health authority, such as for medical care;
(3) the duration of the order;
(4) instructions for traveling to the isolation or quarantine location, if appropriate;
(5) instructions for maintaining appropriate distance and taking such other actions as to prevent transmission to other persons living or working at the isolation or quarantine location, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;
(6) if the location of isolation or quarantine is not in a general hospital, instructions for contacting the State and/or local health authority to report the subject person’s health condition, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;
(7) if the location of isolation or quarantine is a multiple dwelling structure, that the person shall remain in their specific dwelling and in no instance come within six feet of any other person, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;
(8) if the location of isolation or quarantine is a detached structure, that the person may go outside while remaining on the premise, but shall not leave the premise or come within six feet of any person who does not reside at the premise, or such other distance as may be appropriate for the specific disease, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;
(9) such other limitations on interactions with other persons as are appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;
(10) notification of the right to request that the public health authority issuing the order inform a reasonable number of persons of the conditions of the isolation or quarantine order;
(11) a statement that the person has the right to seek judicial review of the order;
(12) a statement that the person has the right to legal counsel, and that if the person is unable to afford legal counsel, counsel will be appointed upon request.
(c) Whenever a person is subject to an isolation or quarantine order, the State Department of Health or local health authority, or the local health authority at the State Department of Health’s direction shall, consistent with any direction issued by the State Commissioner of Health:
(1) monitor such person to ensure compliance with the order and determine whether such person requires a higher level of medical care;
(2) whenever appropriate, coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure that such person comply with the order; and
(3) the extent such items and services are not available to such person, provide or arrange for the provision of appropriate supports, supplies and services, including, but not limited to: food, laundry, medical care, and medications.
(d) If the location of an isolation or quarantine order is owned by a landlord, hotel, motel or other person or entity, no such landlord or person associated with such hotel, motel or other person or entity shall enter the isolation or quarantine location without permission of the local health authority, and consistent with any direction State Commissioner

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