Air Hogs RC Star Wars Millennium Falcon Drone and X-Wing Starfighter

9 years ago

RC Star Wars fans who haven't created their own Millennium Falcon drone or X-Wing Starfighter rejoice because Airhogs has done it for you. Not only has Airhogs created them, but you can pick them up at your local Walmart, Target, Toys 'R Us or other box store. Sure, these aren't as capable as the custom ones I've seen created by skilled RC builders, but they sure do look like fun. The kid in me says to get them because they will be fun no matter what, but the RC guy in me knows I will be disappointed by their handling. Who will win? Can I escape the force of the Airbags Dark Side? I'm not sure. The detail of these things is a total draw, even though I know the performance will be subpar. The power of dark side just might be too strong for me to avoid picking up one or all of these cool Star Wars RC toys. You'll know soon enough. :)

While I think all of them look really cool, I'm especially drawn to the Millennium Falcon and X-Wing Starfighter. I feel the challenge of flying them will be more fun than the slow ground speeds of the Speeder Bike or Land Speeder - though both have a the draw of their detailed look. None of them have a super cheap price tag for the RC experience you could get from hobby grade RC vehicles in the same price range, but the one thing they have going for them is the Star Wars brand. Expect to see Millennium Falcons flying around your neighborhood soon.

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Please watch: "Losi DBXL-E Slow Motion Bash"

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