CCxRC Backyard RC Track Update

9 years ago

Click to subscribe:  ☠☠☠   Whenever possible I try to work in video requests that I receive. Sometimes I am specific about mentioning it was requested and this is one of those times. RC Ryan asked for an update on my backyard RC Track.  It's not something that has been showing up in my videos as much lately and there are a couple reasons that are explained in the video. The main reason is that the track hasn't had any work done to it in a few months because we have to get a new septic system installed and I'm not sure if it will be run over by the equipment installing it. Best to wait and do the work on the track afterward. The other is that it is dark by the time I get home most evenings and the weekend have been busy or we had bad weather. Anyway, that's the update. The track is a bit rundown, but it isn't going away. Hopefully it'll get some attention this spring. 


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