Behind The Scenes With CCxRC

8 years ago

Click to subscribe: ☠☠☠ Merry Christmas RCers everywhere! It's been an awesome year for me and the CCxRC channel and I thought I'd show you guys the mess that creating 140+ videos this year has created. This is a behind-the-scenes look of what life here looks like just outside of the camera view. Video is a funny thing because you can hide so much from the view of the camera. I try to make everything look clean and organized for the channel, but in all honest - chaos rules just off camera. Why? Because I've got so many projects going on at the same time and keep going out to run cars, then stop to edit videos, and shoot more videos without having the time to get things back in order. I'm sure the chaos would drive Rich at 2RCProductions crazy! :)

Anyway, here's a look around the office and workbench at everything that's going on right now and the mess it has left behind. Here's to a short break and some time to clean things up for 2016!


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Please watch: "Losi DBXL-E Slow Motion Bash"

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