"We are gods," Were ancient Africans prideful and arrogant?| African Spirituality explained

5 years ago

Ancient African spirituality taught that "we are gods/goddesses." Why? Because for ancient Africans it was a natural and logical progression. Understanding the science behind ancient African spiritual knowledge and it will uplift you mind, body, and spirit. Ancient African spirituality was different than Christianity which taught us we are born sinners, broken, and in need of a savior to wash away our sins.

It's time for humanity to look at the beauty in each other. watch, listen and learn.

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I have a course as well that will uncover the religious doctrines and teach you the African spiritual science behind them. here is the link:

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Two of the biggest questions my work answers for you, about Christianity is, where did this bible story come from and what did it mean before Christianity twisted it into religion?

Kemet Science is African spirituality based on practical life applications to enhance your life. It is based on the idea of the seven steps of scientific method applied to life. The 7 steps of the scientific method are:

1. Question: identifying the problem. What information is unknown or missing.

2. Research: information about the problem. What is already known and what isn't.

3. Hypothesis: prediction or an educated guess of a possible outcome.

4. Experiment: testing the hypothesis.

5. Observation: data collected while performing the experiment. All crucial details that can have even a minimal impact on the outcome or the question of the original problem.

6. Result/Conclusion: determining if the hypothesis is correct and what impacted the outcome

7. Communicate: presenting the result and date through various media, usually a lab report.
If you are not a scientist about your life then you will believe you are powerless to forces outside of your control. It's not true, but you will believe it is.

The ancient Africans were scientists about everything in the universe including life. They didn't separate life from spirituality. They understand that spirit meant the opposite of matter or the material world.
Kemetic science is the mouthpiece for the spiritual systems of ancient Africa. That doesn't mean all Africans were or are the same, it simply recognizes that there is a shared spiritual identity among ancient African systems. They learned from older African spiritual systems from interior Africa that traveled along the Nile River to Egypt.

But make no mistake that Egypt was not an anomaly in Africa. What they had a spiritual system was in all parts of Africa with neters or principles of nature called by different names and languages.

I do extensive research on the Ancient Egyptian spiritual system because it is at the foundation of my childhood religion Christianity that had a major impact on my life. I was brainwashed for many years until I woke up and saw the light. I found out that ANY answer you want ABOUT Christianity can be found in the teachings of ancient Egypt. I love doing the research and uncovering the truth about African spirituality and exposing Christianity.

This allows me to help you discover the hidden secrets and stolen knowledge that became the bible and obscured by the use of ancient coded language and quite frankly, brainwashing. I was one of the brainwashed until I stumbled onto the truth of ancient Kemet and Egypt.

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Do you want to elevate your knowledge of African spirituality? Do you want to learn the spiritual essence of ideas like KRST, Sin, Heaven, and the resurrection before they became dogmatic Christianity?

Click the link below to learn more about a course that will connect you more to African Spirituality before Christianity:



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