Spiritual Wellness and Dark Engeries P2

1 year ago

Dr. TSA Series, A spiritual discussion

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Allow me to extend my heartfelt greetings to you. I am Dr. Terry Audate, the proprietor of Autesh Therapy Services, a seasoned clinical psychotherapist with a specialization in Spirituality Social Work employing the transformative methodology of Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy. My journey in the domain of holistic wellness is a tapestry woven with threads of diverse approaches, seamlessly integrating both conventional and holistic paradigms.

My dedication to the well-being of individuals transcends the confines of conventional therapeutic practice. I hold the belief that the human experience encompasses the intricate interplay of the mind, body, and the eternal soul or spirit. It is my conviction that we are spiritual entities temporarily inhabiting this earthly vessel. True health, in my view, emerges when we bestow equal care and reverence upon each facet of the trinity—the mind, the body, and the ethereal soul.

In addition to my therapeutic proficiency, I bear the credentials of a licensed massage therapist and a Reiki II healer. These modalities have endowed me with a profound comprehension of the innate wisdom harbored within the human body and its extraordinary potential for rejuvenation and self-restoration.

Notably, I have embarked on a recent and exhilarating journey as the visionary founder of Evolutionary Health LLC. It is with immense honor that I announce our strategic collaboration with renowned manufacturers who share our unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence in well-being. Together, we present to you a meticulously curated assemblage of top-tier vitamins and supplement products. Each of these offerings has been painstakingly designed not only to optimize your physical well-being but also to invigorate the vitality of your mind and nourish the depths of your soul.

I cordially extend an invitation to embark on a transformative expedition toward optimal health. It is a journey that wholeheartedly embraces the profound interplay of your mind, body, and soul. I invite you to peruse our exquisite range of wellness products, each handpicked with the utmost care and guided by unparalleled expertise, through our online emporium at EVOLUTIONARY HEALTH.

Thank you for reposing your trust in us, for we are dedicated to being the guiding light on your path to evolutionary health.

With the warmest of regards,

Dr. Terry Audate, DSW, LCSW-R
Owner, Autesh Therapy Services PLLC
Founder, Evolutionary Health LLC

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