Livestream 2 from Taiji day 2 Japan a large pod of bottlenose dolphins were driven into the cove

7 months ago

Taiji Japan, Nov 24, 2023 :
Shortly after leaving the harbor, the dolphin hunters found a large pod of bottlenose dolphins. They were quickly driven into the Cove and separated into smaller groups. One group at a time was pushed closer to the shore. As their space became small and shallow, dolphins panicked and in desperate attempts to escape got entangled in the nets. It took 4-5 men to subdue each struggling dolphin. The dolphin would then be held against the side of a skiff and carried under the tarps where trainers inspected them. If it was decided they were suitable for captivity, the dolphin was then wrestled into a sling and carried off to a sea pen. 10 were taken for captivity. Never to see their family again, never to be free again. Why? Because people still pay to go to dolphin shows and to “swim” with captive dolphins. The remaining dolphins are being held overnight as there are still more dolphins to inspect. This is a business based on supply and demand. Let’s remove the demand. Don’t buy a ticket. Spread awareness.

Taiji Japan, Nov. 25, 2023 :
A very strange day. The large pod of bottlenose that was driven in yesterday was kept overnight. We expected more selection to occur this morning but instead 7 of the 10 captured bottlenose were returned to their family in the Cove. The hunters then drove the pod back out to sea. 3 captured bottlenose dolphins were left behind to start the process of breaking their spirit and “training” them to entertain humans. None were slaughtered.
Every year, hundreds of dolphins are still being captured for the global marine park and aquarium trade- these are some of the bottlenose dolphins that were captured yesterday.

Seeing footage of Taiji's drive hunts can be overwhelming, but it's important to keep in mind that these hunts are kept profitable from support from the global captivity industry, as dolphins that are live-captured sell to captive facilities for far greater amounts than dead dolphins do for meat.

But there is good news- Over the years, a number of regions around the world have banned the purchase of dolphins from Taiji, or have banned cetacean captivity altogether. It's up to all of us to continue raising awareness. Help take positive action for dolphins at:

Livestream Video by Dolphin Project

#dolphinproject #lifeinvestigationagency

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