Breaking the Chains of Religious Dogma: The Truth About Egypt in the Bible

2 years ago

Have you ever been curious about the spiritual beliefs of Ancient Egypt/Kemet? Have you ever noticed how ancient Egyptians got a bad rap in the Bible? In this video, I debunk some of the misinformation surrounding the spiritual beliefs of Ancient Egypt/Kemet and how these beliefs tie into the hidden esoteric language in the Bible.

This video is the first in a series that will expose the hidden esoteric meaning of the Bible and unveil the truths they don't want you to know. Join me as I dive into the secrets of these ancient civilizations and uncover the hidden knowledge they possessed.

By the end of this video, you'll have a greater understanding of the spiritual practices of Ancient Egypt/Kemet and how they relate to the Bible. You'll also have the tools you need to uncover the truths hidden within the Bible.

Are you ready to explore the hidden secrets of Ancient Egypt and the Bible? Then this video is for you. Join our community and let's uncover the knowledge that has been kept hidden for centuries.

Tags: Ancient Egypt, Kemet, Bible, Esoteric, Hidden Secrets.

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0:00 Introduction
2:30 Kemetic/Egyptian paradigm about symbolism
2:56 Myth defined as an esoteric medium of expression
3:46 Symbolism for source by ancient Egyptians
4:14 How would ancient Kemetians Characterize our modern concept of God?
4:22 what was the true ancient Egyptian belief about God?
4:40 Ancient Egyptian Neter defined
5:39 Contrasting how Christianity relates to God
5:51 How ancient Kemet thought about our connection to God
6:08 What was the ancient Egyptian Godhead?
6:24 Analogy to explain the Egyptian Godhead
6:44 Ancient Godhead detailed and defined
7:40 How would ancient Egyptians characterize God in our modern language?
8:21 Explaining how ancients characterize our reality as an "illusion"
9:43 My life experience as an example
12:58 Why was Egypt portrayed negatively in the bible?

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