Peter Levenda; JFK 60 yrs on. Sex, Lies and UFO's | Down South Anomalies #57

1 year ago

This week Peter Levenda returns as we re-examine the Kennedy assassination during its 60yr anniversary week. Levenda is an author, lecturer and researcher of esoteric/occult para-political history. He is also working in tandem with Tom DeLonge & the “To the Stars Academy” specifically co-authoring a trilogy of books called “Sekret Machines” (Gods, Man & War). Although he has authored two dozen books, Jay & Aspasia keep returning to his 2005/6 trilogy called “Sinister forces A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft” searching for clues & insights that rarely arise with other authors. Its diabolical to consider that government documents pertaining to this crime still remain under lock ’n’ key and alleged witnesses keep appearing on occasions like this supporting the original “Warren Commission” line (Lie). All of Peter’s books are highly recommended and are available at Amazon but please shop around to get the best deal. Jay & Aspasia sincerely thank Peter for his valuable time and considerate nature.

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