Castle in the Clouds

6 years ago

Ono City, Fukui, Japan, called the Hokuriku region’s little Kyoto, is overflowing with nature and tradition. It is a home to one of Japan’s best fresh water springs and Shichiken asa'ichi, an early morning farmer’s market that has been going on for 400 years. According to Ono City Hall’s Mr. Shimizu, Ono City’s Echizen Ono Castle has been garnering national attention of late, as “The Castle in the Clouds.” It earned this nickname due to the clouds that form about its base from sunrise until around 9 A.M. that make it appear as though it is floating in the sky. These clouds form when the day prior was humid, there is a big difference in temperature between noon the previous day and the morning, and the wind is not very strong. It is a rare event that only occurs 10 times a year, from fall through spring.

Produced by 28Lab Inc. & E.x.N K.K.

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