The Real George Floyd Died in 2016

1 year ago

I was already recording when I began speaking to this person. In the beginning he asks me not to share this info, but later in the phone call he actually says go ahead and share it. Draw your own conclusions.

Maybe this was a staged event with a crisis actor? Consider...

1. Cop was putting weight on his other knee, on the ground, when you look at his body position.

2. Minnesota Floyd was crying "don't kill me" right from the beginning, almost like bad acting.

3. EMT shows up and doesn't do any triage.

4. Closed casket funeral -- he supposedly had covid19, which doesn't live on surfaces for long. But can't see a body to prove it's in there. Eyewitnesses said "casket looks too small, Floyd was 6'6" and casket only 6' long."

5. Riots and paid ANTIFA protestors (George Soros' crew, money funneled via "The Alliance for Global Justice" search the website) begin immediately afterwards.

ADDITIONAL RIOT INTEL: (see my video "Not So Quiet Riot").

6. Reports of Minnesota Floyd and Derek Chauvin working together as bouncers at a bar owned by a woman, Mrs. SantaMaria -- her testimony was on local TV.

7. Neighbors of Chauvin testify on local news, "we didn't know he was a cop at all".

8. Biden immediately used this event to say "oh, i care about black people, Trump doesn't" to redeem himself from the " you ain't black if you don't vote for me" comment to Charlamange tha God earlier that week.

9. Trial for cops was supposed to be speedy and happening soon, but gets delayed until March 2021. The guy in the orange jumpsuit doesn't look like the same Derek Chauvin in the cop outfit (notice the ears).

10. No cops from Minneapolis come forward to talk at all. Woman who gets the closest cell phone footage of the event, doesn't upload to her own channel or come forward to talk about it. Cop off screen says "this is an exercise."

11. The name Chauvin sounds like "chauvinist" to subconsciously make public think the guy is an asshole to begin with.

Things seem very fishy here. Was it all a hoax?


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