Community activists push Hamilton County commissioners for solutions to sewer backup issues

6 years ago

Communities like Norwood and St. Bernard spent months cleaning up after freak storms turned streets into rivers in August 2016. Now, Communities United For Action (CUFA) is pushing Hamilton County commissioners for solutions to fix continuing issues with sewer backups and vacant properties around the area. CUFA said there have only been 453 claim settlements out of 6,000 sewer complaints filed between August 2016 and April 2017. "We want to see a plan for how the sewers will be fixed that includes green infrastructure, local jobs and fair rates. We want a Customer Assistance Program, like all other major metro areas in Ohio," CUFA wrote on its website. The meeting is open to the public and will take place at 6 p.m. Monday at "Working In Neighborhoods" at 1814 Dreman Ave. in South Cumminsville.

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