What Is Witchcraft Part 1 With Ex Witch/Satanist Ambar Soria| Witchcraft, Manipulation, & Control

7 months ago

Hello everyone, Over the next 4 weeks we’ll be indulging in this series called “What Is Witchcraft”. The sheep of God are perishing for lack of knowledge but NOT on this channel. There’s no better person that I’d open the channel up than Ambar Soria! She’s An ex witch/satanist who has FULLY given her life to Christ. She’ll be sharing a bit of her testimony, breaking down scripture, and helping identify witchcraft in your own individual lives!
See you every Saturday, God bless ❤️
Music: Sunrise
Musician: Ilya Marfin
Site: https://icons8.com/music/

Music: July
Musician: Jeff Kaale

Email: speakhervoicetoo@gmail.com

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