I Unlocked A New Strategy Whilst Doing NanoWriMo! (Writing Challenge)

7 months ago

If you're participating in "NanoWriMo" then you'll probably know all the struggles that come with it. There's the daily routine you have to stick to. There's the sleepless nights. And there's the cutting off of all your favourite distractions (TV Shows, Movies, Video games) just so you can meet the deadline. NanoWriMo is not easy by any means. It requires a writer with a strong will, perseverance and a desire to become a great author! So in today's video I'll share a secret strategy I found that will help you win NanoWriMo!

Intro/Storytime: 0:00
The Strategy: 5:01
Use these FREE writing resources to help you write your stories!

Dream Audience Template: https://www.notion.so/Dream-Audience-Template-72aaebd310884121b3796928dc0b1032

Thriller Trope List: https://www.notion.so/Thriller-Trope-List-b7fd099fffbf4d04aed31aee40d02f04?pvs=4

Plot Twist Template: https://www.notion.so/Plot-Twist-Template-4351a9f6ed3d4cac8c12ce579ec8a085

Thriller Protagonist Template: https://www.notion.so/Thriller-Protagonist-Template-11bac62899d249c68eed960fb94799d0

Thriller Antagonist Template:https://www.notion.so/Thriller-Antagonist-Template-f6b21c0bf8d04584bdb3be1247293884

Thriller Music Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOzAUhZ74m0-CBdJDnS06Z0PtiYEoV69g

Do you want to transform your stories into a visual art form? Get my FREE eBook to learn amazing art skills in record-breaking time!

🦎Link : https://nosaogbeiwi1.wixsite.com/the-chameleon-effect
📧If you need advice on writing or art you can email me at ogbeiwinosa64@gmail.com
My name is Nosa and I'm a writer, music producer and artist. I've always had a passion for drawing, music and writing stories but I thought those things could only be a hobby. However, now I realise I have these talents for a reason and it would be a shame for them to go to waste. I want people to realise that they can succeed creatively and I will show you the way by doing it myself!


#seconddraft #nanowrimo2023 #writing #nanowrimo

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