confirmation, I am her#world #ladies #godpeople #godmessage #godofwar #godisgood #spiritualawakening

1 year ago

they are Shadow Banning me baby because I have been touching people, people have been tapping in because I am put here on this Earth to share the gospel of God I was born on this Earth to be a blessing to be a beacon and to be a reminder to all that comes across my page that God loves you no matter what. my name is Angel sent to be your angel your angel confirmation I am her you are her don't forget to subscribe to my channel God is good God is amazing as we grow as we learn welcome no matter what I don't need a million views I don't need a million subscribers I only need just to touch one if you believe that God has saved you and brought you across this page at this late hour just tap like download it share and tell the world sister Angel is giving out great inspirational sister angel hair on YouTube it's pushing me to love myself more sister Angel was taking all the hits this is my passion

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