Thanksgiving, Production and Saving America | Yaron Brook Show

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
04:25 Thanksgiving
15:45 Production and Saving America
25:18 Techno Optimism
32:00 Buying Time
40:20 Movies & TV Shows

Live Questions:
42:12 Does the left not want to destroy wealth, but concentrate it in big cities where the philosopher kings are? Look at European wealth distribution, almost all of it is in London, Paris, Berlin..etc. Outside of those mega centers, there isn't much.
45:19 Thanks for Adam Wakeling’s “Why the Enlightenment Matters.” Getting this, I also found, free online in PDF, “The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition,” by Israeli author Zeev Sternhell. He seems a controversial figure. Know of him?
46:18 Thanksgiving = production, division of labor, Capitalism, free trade, meeting of cultures with different innovations for food production… and football and a nap! great day!
47:20 It baffles me people dont understand this concept of production. Money is frozen production Production is wealth. W hen you prioritize those that DEMAND over those that PRODUCE, we all become poorer
49:46 A Prominent media personality in my country claimed recently that corporate profits are the real driver of inflation. How would you respond?
55:16 What degrees will hold their value and survive and AI future?
58:43 What is the relationship between altruism and conspiracy theories? Quoting Atlas Shrugged: "..each was devouring himself, while screaming in terror that some unknowable evil was destroying the earth."
1:01:13 No man is free who cannot control himself.
1:02:40 Enlightenment is loving reality.
1:02:48 Being a hero of my own life by providing this chunk
1:03:34 I don't think Milei is possible without Ayn Rand. The absolute certainty he has, his constant use of Objectivist terms like "collectivist", "statist" and "parasite".
1:04:53 More on relationships Yaron - at what point does enjoying the short-term fun/pleasure/enjoyment of getting to know someone & having new experiences end, and being aligned on long term values and getting serious about the relationship begin?
1:09:15 Do you think some people won't let go of primacy of consciousness, because it scares them that there's. no "being" out there?"
1:11:31 Suppose by some miracle Milei turns Argentina into a free market masterpiece? Will anyone copy it? Or will 2,000+ years of Christian altruism drown it out?
1:13:32 The only thing you can do about awful people is not be one of them.
1:13:42 Historians are crying over errors in Napoleon film
1:14:39 Is part of the lesson of Milei that people want liberty leaders who will stand up to the left without the usual libertarian "both sides" equivocating?
1:16:58 is pushing for unions pushing for stagnation? I see a call to go back to when you could get a simple union manufacturing job with a high school education and then get promoted because of seniority.
1:18:32 Regarding AI, look up theoretical and astro- physicist Michio Kaku. He has vast knowledge on the subject and a very positive pro-humanity outlook
1:19:06 Should one run in localpolitics if one has chance?
1:19:51 As AI creates more value in supply chains, do you think the U.S. will adopt a value-added tax to supplement income tax?
1:21:31 the quote is from Pythagoras, if I recall. Want to ask if you or anyone here is familiar with the Work of Patricia Churchland on philosophy + science
1:21:56 What are your thoughts on what is often called a Thanksgivinging movie: “Planes Trains and Automobiles” with Steve Martin and John Candy

1:22:55 Outro

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