B515 - Nov 19, 2023 When We Pray

1 year ago

Believers are instructed to take everything to God in prayer and to trust Him for the answers in their life. Religion says that your prayers all end up at God, regardless of who is being addressed with the request. That idea is not Biblical and not all prayers are acknowledged by Yehovah when people pray.

The Bible tells believers that they should call out to Yehovah with their petitions and to invoke the name of Yeshua as their High Priest that intercedes for them before the Father. Believers can bring worship and petitions to Yeshua and He can present them to the Father on our behalf.

Praying to dead believers, dead apostles or disciples, religious leaders dead or alive, or even Mary the mother of Christ, are all unbiblical and can lead to demonic spiritual problems.

When we pray, we must approach the throne of God with a humble heart and without malice in our heart for others. We must be willing to pray for the needs of others and trust God's Plan for our needs.

We must always pray for the Will of God in our life and seek the power of the Holy Spirit to help our prayers stay on track. Prayers must be from the heart and not memorized or canned prayers from religious ceremonies. God's Word is full of anointed promises and blessings and if we want to pray for God's Will, we can always find His Will by praying His Words from The Bible.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit from Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

Love God and Love your Neighbor
Preach the 1000 year Righteous Kingdom of Yehovah
Make Disciples for Yeshua the Anointed One
Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father

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