The Hacked Episode: THP Ep. 35 Jesus, the Man of Sorrows?

7 months ago

The “Hacked” episode. Did you miss us last week? Foul play was afoot, we suspect Arminians are to blame for a host of reasons. Tune in an find out about the ongoing investigation into the “matter.”

The Hammer Podcast Ep. 35 Jesus, the Man of Sorrows?

In this episode, Pastor Mike talks about Isaiah 53. As it one of the richest and most important passages in the Bible, we see what it means for Christ to be the Man of Sorrows.

1. Isaiah 53 is the most descriptive passages we have of our Lord’s humiliation—His suffering and ultimate death. Why do we find this in the Old Testament? Shouldn’t we expect that we would get more details of this in the New Testament?

2. How are five offerings from Leviticus tied into Isaiah 53?

3. Why do many Jewish people miss that this passage is obviously speaking of Christ? How else would they interpret the passage?

4. What is the importance of Isaiah 53 in regards to parents training their children?

Inquisition: Does the Bible tell us how often we must observe the Lord’s Supper? Is this something we can do ourselves in our own home, or is this only for congregational meetings?

Tune in now!

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