What if 'they' lied about Donald Trump? 🤔 ...Damn Right They Did

6 months ago

The cabal have had their depopulation agenda for a long time, you will find a small video of the 1994 meeting in Cairo on my channel here, discussing their plan to "cull the herd" down to 800,000,000. The Georgia Guidestones said 500 Million, what's 300Million between friends? So why do they want to kill us? The cabal wanted to have 5G, they relied on "us" to build the technology that would become our prison...facial recognition, 5G, fast broadband and so on. Prior to the internet we the people had no idea what was going on, but the internet was not a gift to us, it was "their" tool to monitor and control us and we used it for entertainment, but some of us was using it to snoop on them and research their "secrets". We had a small window of opportunity, our research needed fast broadband as time was of the essence, but we didn't know back then it was a race against time. Had many of us not devoted a large part of our lives to unearthing the truth then there'd have been no ripple that started the wave. We'd have all fell for the media propaganda, and Trump would possibly have had a tough time doing his monumental task. The white hats needed to achieve a critical mass awakening, so those who started their awakening decades ago provided the energised others to follow suit and join the digital army but back then we did not see ourselves as a digital army, just individuals who were connected to source, who had a heart and soul, who knew right from wrong and so it was. It was in late Oct 2017 when Q started posting what was cryptic but interesting posts. It took a couple of years for us to realise the Q Posts were based on deltas, and we realised Q was a pilot light, a lighthouse for the Anons with the decoders amongst us having done a superb job deciphering it all for those of us that didn't have those special skill sets. So by the time 2020 came we were ready to rock 'n roll, our research was already correlated from years before and especially so since June 2015 when DJT45 and Melania stepped onto that Golden Escalator. Q had the Anons in place, through sheer hard time consuming work. The cabal wanted to kill us because just like in Scooby Doo...those meddling kids knew too much and we find things that the deep-state cabal do not and did not want exposing.... a bit like this....


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