Chistyulya Russia's latest suppression system against aircraft, drone & missile

10 months ago

Rostec for the first time showed a wearable anti-drone complex "Chistyulya".

The subsidiary holding "Roselectronics" for the first time demonstrated a compact anti-drone complex "Chistyulya". The device is a case sized 34*28*17 cm and weighing 8 kg. It has the ability of remote control to protect the fighter from radiation and missiles attacking radio-emitting targets.

The product completely suppresses the control and navigation channels of aircraft within a radius of up to a kilometer, and also blocks the transmission of photo and video data from the drone. The complex is equipped with three types of antennas with separate frequency control, emitting a powerful omnidirectional pulse.

After switching on, the system generates a uniform signal that covers the upper hemisphere in a radius of up to 1000 meters. Under the influence of "Cleanliness", the drone may fall, hang in place, or return to the take-off point. It depends on the type of drone and its settings, as well as the distance of the UAV from the complex and from the control station. The complex is powered both from the mains and from the built-in battery, which provides autonomous operation for 100 minutes. The device is equipped with an active cooling system, which allows it to function without interruptions.

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