The ACCIDENT At Rainbow Bridge, Laura Loomer Is An IDIOT l Lesson on FAKE NEWS!!! l Press For Truth

1 year ago

Before the flames were even out countless news outlets and journalists were reporting that this was a terrorist attack and that Islamic Jihad extremists were to blame despite this not being confirmed or true at all.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains how this reaction has been programmed into people by design, how dangerous it can actually be and most importantly who suspect #1 should always be when dealing with incidents of terrorism.

My two cents- Loomer is an idiot. She is spreading this bullshit for clicks. I'm not sure what happened, but the old saying is "never let a good crisis go to waste". Justin Castro-Trudeau is also an idiot. He said he's got to go address what happened so he's got to skin out. Bullshit he went back to his dwelling poured himself a nice neat scotch and took a nap.
It truly is about conditioning the masses for the next false flag!


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