Israel Palestine Conflict, Al-shifa hospital, OIC and the world response to Gaza Genocide

10 months ago

Gaza Genocide, Al Shifa Hospital and the world response.
The Israeli army is carrying a Genocide in Gaza, in order to justify it, now they are spreading lies deliberately of Hamas using hospitals as command centers, They have failed to produce real evidence. as in no way any evidence can justify the destruction of hospitals. Many hospitals are attacked the Gaza since the Israeli onslaught in Gaza. Thousands are murdered majority of them women and children, all in the name of self-defense. The world community failed to stop the carnage in Gaza, because of the continuous United States backing Israel in the Security council, the US has provided all kinds of support to the Israel in carrying out the Genocide In Gaza. The Muslim world also failed to stop the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza at the Hands of Israel. Reports shows that they have even refrained from taking minimal steps that would have pressurized the United States and Israel to stop the mass killings Palestinians

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