Pyramids Story Part 1.

1 year ago

Who Built the Pyramids? Slaved Israelites and children. Helped built the Pyramids in Egypt as a debt owed to the King.

98+21+1076= 1195. Iesus Christ 11 letters passed on
9th hour. Iesus 5 letters.

Genesis Chapter 28: Verse 11
40 Words. Pyramids completed on 4th day.
1734 to #’s-169-40= 1525. Christ born in Flesh in 1st book of
Matthew Iesus 5 letters. Christ born in Flesh on Verse 25

God provided 715 in results. the 1 millionth day on Earth is
715 years away. on 28th 11th month 2738. Notice the Pyramids started on Genesis Chapter 28 Verse 11.

11+28+2738= 2777

Genesis 31:46= 77-Christ

1078 to #’s+ 110+24= 1212. 7-Genesis= 78. Christ. Pyramids 8 letters.
Iesus Christ passed in Flesh in year 121. Philippians 1:21.

1078-110-24= 944. Christ passed on 9th hour.
Pyramids completed on 4th day. Christ born on 4th day

Exodus= 81 Books in Scripture
Exodus 5:10= 1 Iesus Christ
Exodus 5:11= Christ an Jesus Christ
Exodus 5:12= Jesus Christ born on 4th day
Exodus 5:13= Jesus Christ an Matthew 1:21-Jesus Saves
Exodus 5:15= Jesus Christ. Pyramids started on 11th Verse
Exodus 5:16= 1 God
Exodus 5:17= Christ
Exodus 5:18= Philippians 1:21
Exodus 5:19= 4 Jesus Christ

Leviticus 14:40= 1 God
Leviticus 14:42= Jesus Christ born on 4th day.
Pyramids completed on 4th day.

Leviticus 14:43= Christ born on 4th day.
Pyramids completed on 4th day

Leviticus 14:44= Jesus Christ 11 letters passed on 9th hour.
1219 to #'s. Deuteronomy 1:21. (Today’s Date: 2023-1123= 900)

Leviticus= 120 to #’s-9 letters- 1 word= 110. Iesus Christ.

Leviticus 14:45= 1 Christ passed on 3rd day.
7 Pyramids completed on 4th day. (43-17= 26) God.

Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus do not directly state the word Pyramids it’s just talking about the process. Genesis is the start. Exodus an Leviticus is the middle. It cuts off after Leviticus book of Maccabees is the end.
223-Pyramids completed on.

38+185+2148 to #’s= 2371. 7 Pyramids completed on 23rd date.
Pyramids of Egypt captured 105 in Google Results.

PYRAMIDS= 105 to #’s +8 letters+1 word= 114+
7 Pyramids= 121-Christ passed in year 121.

Pyramids as 7+7+7+1+4+9+4+1
14941. Jesus Christ 11 letters. Born on 4th day.
Pyramids completed on 4th day. Jesus Christ passed on 9th hour.

To Be Continued!!

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