The Feast of Summits

9 months ago

Who knew, You can increase your visual and mental acuity to Your Own Resolutions with a simple choice as seen in settings of your own player out there and screen below.
Apparently i can do anything and ive got nothing but time and at the moment, the week of near death driving it took me to create this u had nothing better to do but when i do, what will it be? Substance is greater than form no matter how confused and convicting this may be to some souls. Others are gonna despuse you no matter what you do. All you can do is try to mitigate the hate righteously for the title and seat and person, if it even really matters in the long run. The Powee is not dependant on them, love is, there are only two paths and two Gods to be known for all Eternity...of your soul, pray for Jesus and Jesus will pray for You. Who knew? Theres little worse than a contentious and demanding spouse you cant get away from. Its why im not married but one cant avoid being espoused to all outside sentient Life, unless yer stupid. I am why they must control all knowledges satanically as they will lose power forever, and die. Happy thanksgivings and holydays forever, from hell...i occasionaly like you, better when yer the furthest thing from my mind. So, heres the why to you're when, and...The Feast of Summits. Enjoy!

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